Get the most out of online booking

We look at simple steps that are proven to increase bookings and revenue.

Salons using Online booking take on average 25% more bookings*

Salons using Online booking take on average 25% more bookings* than those who only take bookings via phone, walk in and email. Let’s look at ways to make sure your online booking flies for you!

1. Social media & Google links

The more places clients can find you, the more bookings you will receive.

Clients want to book appointments via the most popular channels. For our industry this means Facebook, Instagram, Google and your website.

Your online booking link should be on all 4 of these!

The more places clients can find you, the more bookings you will receive.

Tip: learn how to insert your booking link into Google My Business

Tip: learn how to set up Instagram booking

“We get 50-60% of our bookings online now. It saves us so much time & by taking a 50% deposit we know the clients are going to turn up.”

— Michael, The Cutting Lounge

2. Tell the world!

Clients expect to book online in the 21st century so tell them you are the best of the best and now offer online booking!
  • Text your clients. On average, 90% of clients have a mobile number so tell them they can now book online
  • Post on social media that they can now book online. Click here for templates
  • Make sure clients in-salon know they can book online. Update price lists, opening hours, signs etc with a “Book online at XXXX” message

3. Let’s talk money

Worried about offering expensive services to new clients?

Taking payment upfront is fast becoming the norm in our industry. Why?

  • It allows you to get paid now for bookings in 4 weeks time. Great for cash-flow.
  • It protects you from costly no-shows. 1 no-show can cost £50. Taking payment upfront stops this to allow you to earn more.
  • With the rise of online shopping, clients are now used to paying online. 82% of UK adults bought something online in 2019*

To learn more about setting up payments, please click here

*Source: Slick platform data. November 2019

** Source:

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