Google My Business and Salon Reviews

75% of customers use search to find a local business & client reviews are key.

Shine a spotlight on your business!

90% of customers read online reviews before visiting! 84% of customers trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation!

Let’s try something! Search your salon on Google? What do you see?

5- star reviews? Correct opening hours? Booking link?

What you are seeing is what new clients searching for a salon see for the first time!

Top tips for a great online profile!

  1. Photos: does your salon look good? Does it look clean, busy, exciting? Photos are so important on how a business is perceived.
  2. Information: they are searching for a reason. Are your opening hours correct? Do you have your online booking link visible?
  3. Reviews: people trust reviews from other clients. If you get reviews, good or bad, its a good idea to respond to them: it shows you care!

Your photos and information can all be controlled direct from Google My Business. If you have never used it before, then it is quick easy and FREE. You can set it up here

Building 5-star reviews

To gather reviews consistently, you need a process in place and here a salon system can help. By texting current clients with a link to your Google My Business page, you can easily and quickly gather reviews.

Say thank you to them for visiting! Ask for feedback on how you did?

Can i remove the bad ones? Google doesn’t allow reviews to just be deleted. Would you want to know that the 4.9* restaurant you booked had deleted all of its bad reviews? The best way to combat this is to reach out to the reviewer and understand the reasons for their review. What can you do to win them over? If you are successful they might even change their review!

Let us know how you get on and check out our help guides for more info.

Review checklist

92% of clients trust a review more than advertising.
  1. Ask every client for a review. It shows clients you care
  2. Respond to the review. Good or bad. Comment below to acknowledge the time they have taken to write a review.
  3. Ask yourself what are your learnings from the review. What processes could you change?
  4. Share the reviews. Use your team meeting to share with the team. It’s important the team link their work to the client review so they see the impact they have.
  5. Shout! Use your website and social media to publish the great reviews. 92% of clients trust a review more than advertising so use your 5-star reviews to the max!

Learn more here.

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