Promoting inclusivity & diversity in your salon

The key to satisfied clients isn’t just providing a great service, it’s creating an inclusive experience for them too.

Why inclusivity and diversity in a salon is important

The key to satisfied clients isn’t just providing a great service, it’s creating an inclusive experience for them too. It’s no surprise that clients who feel supported and valued will keep coming back to your salon time and time again. By taking the time to learn about your clients you can easily tailor their appointments so their needs and preferences are met.

At Slick, we offer you the tools and support to do this with our client tags feature.

Client tags are a quick and easy way to keep your client records updated so staff members can understand and cater to each client's individual needs. This helps clients feel accepted and comfortable so they can show up to their appointments as their true, authentic selves.

Watch to to find out how salon owner Andrew Feve and the team at ANTI.dote use client tags...

Some needs are not always visible

It’s also important to remember that some needs are not always visible. For neurodivergent clients or those with physical disabilities, it might not always be immediately obvious.

For example, some neurodivergent clients might struggle with loud noises or find talking overwhelming while others with physical disabilities might find it hard to sit down for long periods of time or find moving around the salon painful. Or they might prefer seeing one staff member only.

How to communicate client needs discretely

Talking about such things can sometimes be embarrassing or difficult for clients but taking the time to learn about their needs and keeping their client tags updated can help feel them secure and listened to, resulting in a better experience for everyone.

For some clients booking and attending an appointment can be daunting. For clients who identify as non-binary or transgender having to explain their pronouns can be emotional at the best of times, but if they’re continually misgendered and have to keep reminding the salon of their pronouns it can be a traumatic experience. Client tags can stop this from happening and mean each individual client is treated exactly how they want to be.

Make your clients feel comfortable

Whatever their individual needs or preferences no client should have to suffer or feel like an outsider. We know that for many people a visit to the salon is a chance to relax and unwind and spend some much-needed alone time. This makes salons safe spaces where clients feel comfortable opening up to their therapists or stylists and because of this, you’re in a unique position where you can make a real difference to non-binary or transgender clients and those with neurodivergent or physical needs.

To you, it’s just another day of doing what you love, but to clients who might be struggling, it means so much more. At Slick, we never underestimate the power of what our salons can achieve and we know that we can make the world a kinder, more accepting place, one client at a time.

Using client tags is quick and easy to do and if you need help with how to implement them check out our how-to guide here.

If you’re in need of some inspiration why not check out the other ways client tags can help support you and your clients here.

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