Why working with a Business Coach is the smart move

Supercharge your business and take control by booking your free, monthly 1-2-1 with your Business Coach!

“I’d love a Coach but I can’t afford one…”

Don’t worry- we’ve got your back on this one! Each Slick partner gets Business Coaching for free! Yes free! It’s all part of your subscription

If you don’t use Slick yet (why not…it’s the only software with 100% 5-star Google reviews…), you can still access our Coaching Team. Each session is £200 + VAT

Industry experts that understand YOUR business

“They are uniquely placed to help you use YOUR data to help you develop a bespoke plan that will help YOUR clients and YOUR business”

Lots of ‘Coaches’ are former business owners who have never worked in your business or worked with your clients.

At Slick, we take a different approach. Our Team of experts are highly skilled in the latest marketing, digital and team management techniques. More importantly they know the Slick system inside out which means they are uniquely placed to help you use YOUR data to help you develop a bespoke plan that will help YOUR clients and YOUR business.

Unless a Coach understands your business how can they make recommendations that are right for you. You trust Slick to manage your bookings, now you can trust Slick to coach you to a successful future.

How does a Coach help you

Here are 5 examples of what our Coaches have been working on with 1 of our partners

“I’ve just had my numbers back for 2022 from my accountant - we are up 29% in revenue and down 11% in salon outgoings. I attribute that entirely to my coach and to Slick.”

— Lucy Harrington, Owner

  1. Spring time marketing: large majority of salons are struggling with empty slots this month. We are helping with marketing campaigns with brilliant results.
  2. Client Retention: since the pandemic, clients have fallen out of their regular booking cycles (8-10 weeks for hair and 4-6 weeks for beauty) so we are using the automated 7 week prompt to prompt clients to book back in their regular cycles thereby filling slots and bringing in more money
  3. Cost of living crisis: we have been helping businesses find areas where they can cut costs and areas where they can make more money using the tools we have and the expert advice we offer.
  4. Team management and motivation: we’re helping business owners choose the right structure (Self employed vs employed) and manage them accordingly whilst providing tips to help motivate their teams to earn more
  5. Business Growth for leaders: helping business owners create good foundations for business success with the right pricing and automating as much of their business as possible so that they can work smarter and work less whilst still earning more.

But do they get results?

Yes! Whether you are looking to cut back on your admin and take control or whether you are looking to increase your takings, Slick is proven to deliver results.

For instance, did you know Slick Partners who take bookings online generate over £5k more a month on average than those who are offline.

Your coach will work with you to custom not only your Slick account but help you launch new campaigns and new ideas to help you boost your business!

You get education and coaching from your colour or beauty supplier. Why would your software partner be any different?

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